AE3531: Control Systems Analysis and Design, Fall 2021Cource DescriptionThis course will provide: Control system performance analysis and specifications, classical methods of control system analysis and design, introduction to modern control methods. Tentative Syllabus: Here InstructorProf. Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis
Office HoursWF, 12:00pm - 1:45pm, Montgomery Knight Building, Office 415-B Please email or phone me in advance to schedule for an appointment. If you have any questions about the course, please send me email. I will try to respond as quickly as possible. Additionally, I will share questions that are particularly good (and their answers) with the rest of the class by broadcasting my answer to the entire class. If you plan to come to office hours for questions about homework, please be prepared to show attempts at solving the problem that you prepared before coming. Lecture Time and PlaceWF, 2:00pm - 3:15pm, Mason 1133 Course CreditUnits: 3 PrerequisitesSystem Dynamics and Vibrations (AE 3530), Differential Equations (MATH 2403). TextbooksThe course will follow closely:
WebsiteThe website for this course will be maintained on Canvas and here. |